St. John's Church




A list of this week's services are in the Bulletin  our weekly pew sheet which can be found by using the link on the Home page.  

Future services are listed in the Bridge Magazine 

The normal pattern of worship at St John's throughout the year is below. 

From time to time, especially during Christmas and Holy Week/Easter Day, this may be added to or varied. Mass is said each day at either at 9.30am or 7.30pm on weekdays.). 

On major holy days (of obligation)  there are usually two masses - a morning one and an evening one (usually sung) providing greater opportunity to attend Mass on important days in the Church's calendar

Our daily mass lasts about 30 minutes and its time depends on the other services, our prayer hinges, 

of Morning Prayer each day at 9am and Evening Prayer each day at 6pm (Tues. is 7pm). 

8.45 am – Morning Prayer      

9.30 am – PARISH MASS (with Junior Church in the hall)

5.45 pm - Office of Readings with Evening Prayer

9.00 am – 
Office of Readings with Morning Prayer

9.30 am - Mass  (except 10AM only on BANK HOLIDAYS)

5.45 pm - Evening Prayer    

9.00 am – 
Office of Readings with Morning Prayer

7.00 pm - Evening Prayer    

7.30 pm - Mass 

9.00 am – Morning Prayer    

9.30 am - Mass  (Followed by tea & coffee)

5.45 pm - Office of Readings with Evening Prayer


9.00 am – Office of Readings with Morning Prayer

9.30 am - Mass is being celebrated

5.45 pm - Evening Prayer    

9.00 am – Morning Prayer    

9.30 am - Mass  (Followed by tea & coffee )

5.45 pm - Office of Readings with Evening Prayer

9.00 am – 
Office of Readings with Morning Prayer    

9.30 am - Mass  (Followed by tea & coffee )

5.45 pm - Evening Prayer  (First Evening Prayer of Sunday)


Although we are distinctly within the catholic tradition of the Church of England (commonly referred to as ‘High’ Church) neverthelesswe seek to include all ages and make all welcome. Our regular congregation includes those whose spiritual roots are drawn from other traditions in the Christian family: including Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and from a range of Reformed/Free Churches.

For over twelve hundred years there has been an organised Christian presence and community in Higham. We regard ourselves as the spiritual heirs of those who built and worshipped for a thousand years on the site where the former parish church stands on the northern edge of the village. In continuity with them and with the message of the unchanging Gospel (Good News) of Jesus Christ, we seek to encourage each other in the Christian pilgrimage (journey) of faith; adhering to, and living out, the Christian faith as it has been received and understood through the ages. So we unashamedly proclaim Jesus Christ as our Saviour, Lord and God under whom we judge ourselves today, and to whom we must give account in the end.