Join us for worship
Morning Mass
Monday, Wednesday,, Friday and Saturday at 9.30 am
Sunday - sung Mass at 9.30 am with Junior Church - see below for more information.
Please contact a Churchwarden if you would like to access Mass on Zoom.Evening Mass
Tuesdays at 7 pm as well as most Feast days - check the weekly Bulletin for variations.
Junior Church
We hold Junior Church at the time of mass, every Sunday during term time, for children ages 5-11 (under 5s are welcome with a parent or guardian). We have the joyful job of helping children to grow in faith and in the knowledge of God, with Bible stories, activities, crafts and prayer.Safeguarding policy is strictly adhered to and all teachers are DBS-checked. .For more information, contact Nancy Hughes
Weekly Bulletin
Our weekly information sheet with details of opportunities for prayer and worship, news, intentions and remembrance for the week
09 February 09.30 Mass the preacher will be Fr Michael Gentry,
Parish Priest at St Martin Chelsfield
- 13 February Dennis Rogers funeral in Church at 15.00 followed by tea in our hall. Private cremation. Joan and Janet would value the presence and prayers of the church family.
- 13 February Men’s Group meets at Congregational Church 19.15
- 16 February Planned Giving Sunday
- 21-23 February Food Bank
- 27 February Consecration of Fr Luke as Bishop of Richborough will take place in Canterbury Cathedral at 14.30
- 01 March. March Requiem 09.30
- 01 March Coffee ‘n’ Conversation 10.30 – 12.30
- 02-04 March Bags to Church from 11.00 Sunday to 17.30 Tuesday, all items to be left in clear bags. These are available in the porch.
- 05 March Ash Wednesday
- 06 March Gads Hill School Spring Concert in Church 14.00 (free)
- 08 March Richborough Family Lent Quiet Day at St Augustine’s Belvedere 10.00 – 15.00
- 18 March PCC Meeting after 19.00 Mass
- 28-30 March Food Bank
- 30 March Mothering Sunday
Parish Priest
Rev'd Canon Clive Jones
01634 711019
The Vicarage, Hermitage Road, Higham, ME3 7NE
Helen Walker 01474 396569 - evenings only
Teresa Joblin 07956 336134