The Higham Bridge Magazine

The Higham Bridge magazine is the parish magazine for the Parish of Higham with Merston.  It is produced 10 times a year – monthly except in August (this includes September information) and January (which includes February information). The magazine acts as a bridge between St John’s Church in Hermitage Road, the voluntary organisations  and villagers of Higham. In addition the magazine contains advertisements from local businesses.  Use the email or phone number below to enquire further.

Each month there is news from St John’s Church with details of the services being held, who to contact and what activities are taking place or planned for the month.  In Spring and Autumn there is a Village Directory provided with listings of the local voluntary organisations and important contacts for police, medical help, schools, and other emergency contacts. Local organisations provide articles about their activities and plans. In addition, you will find useful advertisements by local businesses with details of their services and how to contact them.


There is a small charge of 70p per edition, ie £7 per year, for the magazine which is delivered to your door. Renewal of subscriptions are collected during September/October.  All subscriptions will then cover the period 1st October to 30th September. We also offer a digital version by email of a PDF file.  The cost of this service is £5 per year. Please contact as shown below if you would like this service.

If you would like to receive a copy of the Bridge each month please email or

 telephone Liz Croker 07811 028803.


Example of the Higham Bridge

2025 January and February

Coffee and Conversation

is held in the Vestry Hall each month on the 1st Saturday from 10.30 am to 12.30 pm.  Tea and coffee with home-made cakes are served with all donations going towards church funds

During Lent the coffee and conversation is replaced with Lent lunches when home-made soup, bread, cheese and grapes are served.  The donations are part of the Christian Aid collection.