You are able to make payments via the button above or when in church by using the SumUp machine or the QR code both of which are available at the rear of the church.

Planned giving

Each year St John's Church asks the church family to contribute in financial and other ways to support the maintenance, mission and ministry of St John’s Church.

Please see the document links below which provide the  Planned Giving information’ and ‘Financial Information’ and ‘Response Form’.

You may be able to give financially but you can also help St John's without doing this.  Volunteers are always appreciated - whether with a role in the church services, administration, serving tea and coffee, cleaning the brass, visiting those who cannot get to church, etc  Please contact a church warden if you would like to help in this way

Planned Giving documents

My Personal Giving Form
Gift Aid Declaration Form
The facts are these - information

Ways to give

Sunday services

Simply place cash or cheques in the offering plate during any Sunday service.

St John’s relies on donations to help cover the costs of maintaining the church as a place of worship, while continuing to support a range of charitable causes, both local and further afield. This work is only possible thanks to the generosity of parishioners and visitors. The basic costs of St John’s itself are about £2,000 per week.


Any donations in the form of cheques can be made out to ‘Higham with Merston Parochial Church Council’

and sent to:


The Treasurer, c/o Newland House, Elm Close, Higham, Kent, ME3 7NH

Standing Orders  If you wish to give by Standing Order, please contact our Stewardship Recorder ( or speak to one of the Churchwardens.

Any donation that you can make will be gratefully received.

Thank you for your generosity

Away giving

Away-Giving: It is the policy of the PCC to work towards being able to give away to charitable causes each year a sum equal to 5% of our disposable income, less expenses beyond our control, e.g. Indicative Offer (formerly Parish Share), rates and taxes, and restricted funds.