Lamp Sponsorship

If you would like to sponsor the lamps for a week year in memory of a loved one, thanksgiving or a special occasion, please complete the form  available at the rear of the church and return it to Val Laurens - Monies plus forms should be handed to Val or dropped  into 12 Villa Road. A minimum of donation of £25 is requested by the PCC in order to cover costs.

Vestry Hall

St John's Church Hall is a vestry, which is used by the church and other approved groups.

A number of local groups use this facility as well as being used for church meetings and social events.

it is possible for approximately 40 people to be seated comfortably  at tables or 50 .in rows.


Enquiries about the Vestry Hall use should be made to

 or ring Mrs. Liz Croker - Hall Bookings, 07811 028803




Each year a pilgrimage is organised for members of the church to spend a long weekend at Walsingham. Known as "England's Nazareth", it has a rich history and draws many modern pilgrims to enjoy the worship, hospitality and meeting together for prayer and fellowship. We have an inspirational and restorative time together - as well as a few laughs!

To learn more about Walsingham, visit External link opens in new tab or

Details of the Walsingham Parish Pilgrimage 2025 will be available shortly.

The Bells of St John's Church

Background to bellringing

The tradition of ringing bells ‘full circle’ and of changing place is unique to Britain, the Commonwealth countries such as Australia and Canada and in the United States. Although churches had bells in them for many centuries, the present method of change ringing has evolved from the initiatives of Fabian Stedman in 1640. His ‘principle’ of Stedman Doubles (rung on five bells but which can have a sixth bell ringing last in each sequence of changes) has now increased to an ever growing number of methods on ever increasing numbers of bells e.g. sixteen bells at St. Martin’s in the Bullring, Birmingham.